10 Video Games Where You Start Off Dead

3. Blood Omen: Legacy Of Kain

dead from the start
Silicon Knights

The first entry into the much-loved Legacy of Kain series hands players control of human nobleman protagonist Kain for all of 10 seconds before he's attacked by an army of assassins.

And because all of the exits out of town are blocked by carts (really?), Kain is made short work of by his assailants. Yup.

But things are just getting started, as immediately thereafter Kain is resurrected by Mortanius the Necromancer.

Mortanius has brought Kain back to life as a vampire in order to do his bidding - that is, restore the nine Pillars of Nosgoth, while also allowing Kain the opportunity to exact bloody revenge on his killers own, which he duly does.

Despite his understandable initial misgivings, Kain ultimately chooses to embrace his vampirism, and so a hit action-adventure franchise was born.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.