10 Video Games Where You're Secretly The Villain

1. Wander - Shadow Of The Colossus

Fallout 4 main character
Team ICO

The story of Shadow of the Colossus is the perfect example of how experiencing the plot from the protagonist's perspective can completely change the way you judge it.

In Shadow of the Colossus, you play as a young man named Wander who seeks to resurrect his dead lover Mono. This is achieved by collecting the life essence of the colossi whom are guardians for an enigmatic supernatural being.

Given that Wander is acting out of love and how terrifying and ominous the guardians look, it's easy to assume that Wander killing the guardians is a good thing, perhaps cleansing the lands off their ebb. However, the more guardians you kill, the more you realize your enigmatic companion says some pretty questionable things. And then the ending finally hits you right where it hurts.

Once you defeat all sixteen guardians, the entity, Dormin, resurrects Wander's lover, but in exchange, it possesses his body and then transforms into a ginormous demon that goes on a rampage, killing the human who came to stop Wander's ritual.

It turns out that the whole time, Wander was not a noble knight but a lunatic who'd unleashed an ancient evil onto the land just to bring his lover back.

They got that bad romance.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.