10 Video Games That Will Be Released Annually Until The End Of Time

3. Assassin's Creed

When the first game arrived way back in 2007, few could have foreseen Assassin's Creed becoming a gaming juggernaut. However, with a few simple tweaks (streamlining the story and removing repetitive gameplay), Ubisoft turned their historical series into the future of gaming. Assassin's Creed's ability to turn ancient towns and cities into parkour playgrounds is unparalleled - moving from A to B is very rarely this fun. Much may have changed in seven years of Assassin's Creed but movement and freedom is still essential. With those essential foundations in place, Ubisoft only really has to create a new story and setting for each game - the engine and gameplay mechanics are already established and proven. Is the Assassin's Creed train coming to a crashing halt though? Unity is the latest offering in the series but the strain of keeping the series fresh and exciting is clearly taking it's toll. Unity was a buggy mess upon release and many are still suffering with problems now. Multiplayer was a massive strength for the series but with co-op's introduction in Unity, it seems that Ubisoft want to focus on that aspect instead. It would be a real shame for the series to lose it's unique multiplayer mode permanently but the developers seem intent on exploring other ideas. Of course, Unity's issues aren't the beginning of the end for Assassin's Creed - after all, next year's installment could blow everybody away again. The series' dynamic nature gives new and exciting ideas a chance; the phenomenal Black Flag is a great example of what can happen when Ubisoft get a bit crazier and more adventurous. A break every now and again would help to make the series consistently great but Assassin's Creed's hit and miss nature is likely to stick around.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.