10 Video Games With Deleted Content That Should’ve Been Included

6. The Destruction Of New York - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

metal gear solid 2 ending arsenal gear cut

Yes, yes, "MGS 2, where's Snake, right?!" I know, I know, but let's move past that - even though the debut trailer did show our favourite mercenary getting ready to fight Metal Gear Ray on a collapsing tanker.

Anyway, it goes without saying that 9/11 was a global event that changed a great many things about the way we all see the world and each other - but a lesser-known repercussion comes with the fact that MGS 2's original ending scenes were supposed to feature far more destruction of New York City.

Following the corruption of the sea vessel's A.I., it was originally set to plummet straight into the side of Manhattan, carving a path through the mainland until coming to rest at Federal Hall. By this stage in the game, so much crazy and ridiculous "Is it real/Is it not?" stuff had happened, we just went with the version that shipped, but in retrospect, the narrative does jump from atop Arsenal to the beginning of the fight with Raiden and Solidus.

It may have only been a minor scene that added cohesion to where you are in the game's final moments, but also would've shown why there are no pedestrians in the area for the duration of the fight itself - being they've scarpered in lieu of the emergency services' arrival.

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