10 Video Games With The Most Collectibles

6. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - 557

DK Collectibles

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's main campaign is composed of 42 missions, which takes at least ten hours to complete. But while you sail the seas and infiltrate hideouts, you'll also have to rummage through every nook and cranny to find the plethora of Templar Keys, manuscripts, letters in bottles, maps, and naval contracts.

But what really keeps players busy in this swashbuckling adventure is collecting the 200 Treasure chests and 200 Animus Fragments.

It's not the quantity of these trinkets that's the problem, it's their locations. Many of these valuables are buried underwater (and we all know how much the video game community love water-based levels).

Navigating through shipwrecks and dodging Great Whites while seeking out every chest through murky water takes forever. What's worse is that you always have a time restraint since you can only hold your breath for so long. More often than not, you will be within arm's length of attaining a rare item, only to drown and lose your progress.


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