10 Video Games With The Most Collectibles

5. Banjo Kazooie - Almost 1169

DK Collectibles

After Super Mario 64 was praised for focusing on exploration by having an open world rather than linear level structure, it wasn't long before other platformers followed suit.

And what's the easiest way to encourage players to explore? By filling levels with stuff to find. Only two years after SM64 was released, Rare created their own little 3D platformer, Banjo-Kazooie. However, Rare raised the bar exponentially in terms of collectibles.

If you thought grabbing 120 Power Stars in Super Mario 64 sounded daunting, Banjo-Kazooie has nearly ten times more items to attain. The colourful and cartoony adventure game was groundbreaking upon its release since nobody had seen a platformer with so much content at the time. You need to find Jiggies to open new worlds, Musical Notes to access areas of Gruntilda's base, Jinjos to unlock Jiggies, and Honeycombs to boost your health bar. And the only way to find all 1,169 collectibles was to search absolutely EVERYWHERE.

Now, there are some games that shove in a ton of obtainables in an obvious attempt to stretch out the gameplay. Thankfully, Banjo-Kazooie found the right balance so it never stopped being fun seeking out hidden items, even after completing the main campaign.


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