10 Video Games With Unique Art Styles You Need To See

4. The Unfinished Swan

XIII game

The Unfinished Swan is a game who's unique style comes from the world around it... or should I say, lack of world until you create it.

Playing like a more serious and grounded take on the Epic Mickey games, TUS tells the story of a boy sucked into the world of one of his mother's unfinished painting: in this case, the titular swan.

As the boy Monroe, your immediate path isn't clear until you create it. This is done by hucking globs of black paint against white backgrounds and seeing what sticks. It sounds like a primitive pathfinding tool, but it actually compels you to want to finish filling in the building you've globbed paint at. A bit like Splatoon meets join-the-dots paintings, essentially.

The beauty is in your own creativity in The Unfinished Swan: sure, you could just lay out the path before you and be on your way. But the enjoyment comes in fleshing out the scenes aching for a bit of paint.

A cross being walking simulator and giant canvas, it's a unique game with an equally charming story tucked in between the exploration.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.