10 Video Games You Didn't Realise Just Got Cancelled

4. Battlefield Mobile

the last of us factions

In early 2021, EA announced development of Battlefield Mobile - a free-to-play Battlefield game which, in combination with their development of Apex Legends Mobile, signalled the publisher's aggressive attempts to further capitalise on the lucrative mobile game market.

In February, however, EA revealed that they'd made the "strategic decision" to both shut down Apex Legends Mobile less than a year after it launched, and cancel Battlefield Mobile outright, while also closing down its dev studio, Industrial Toys.

Given that Battlefield Mobile's open beta took place just two months before the cancellation, many players speculated that EA simply weren't satisfied with the player engagement they'd received during that period.

For their part, their official corporate word-salad statement said the decision was made to "pivot from the current direction to best deliver on our vision for the franchise and to meet the expectations of our players." Right.

In May, however, Industrial Toys' founder Alex Seropian told Mobilegamer.biz that Battlefield Mobile was canned due to both the wildly negative player reaction to Battlefield 2042 and also EA's overall reluctance to commit the time and money necessary for a successful global release.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.