10 Video Games You Didn't Realise Were Cancelled In 2023

1. Echo VR

Cancelled Marvel Midnight Suns
Ready At Dawn

VR multiplayer is an incredibly tough nut to crack due to the inherently niche nature of virtual reality as a medium, meaning that few multiplayer titles are able to maintain stable player-bases for years.

But Echo Arena was one of the few exceptions in the VR space - a ludicrously entertaining multiplayer aside to sci-fi exploration game Lone Echo.

Echo Arena was a competitive sports game in which players attempted to throw a flying disc through the opposing team's goal. It was simple but elevated by its nuanced movement mechanics and overall physicality, making it one of VR's few genuine killer apps to date.

But developer Ready at Dawn announced at the start of the year that Echo Arena would shut down in August, as the studio prepares to work on their next project.

The game's passionate fans at least fought for its survival, creating a petition and even flying a banner over Meta HQ, begging CEO Mark Zuckerberg not to shut Echo Arena down.

The switch-off nevertheless went ahead as planned, as proves all the more frustrating given that Meta CTO Andrew Bosworth revealed the game's population was still in the "low tens of thousands," which for a VR game sounds like an incredibly healthy player-base.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.