10 Video Games You Didn't Realise Were Cancelled In 2023

3. Fear Effect Reinvented

Cancelled Marvel Midnight Suns

Fans of cult classic PS1 action game Fear Effect have been begging for it to get the remake/remaster treatment for years, and in August 2017 those prayers were seemingly answered when Square Enix confirmed a remake, Fear Effect Reinvented.

Development was anything but smooth, though, with original French studio Sushee being replaced in 2019 by MegaPixel Studio, who then restarted production by adapting the original cinematic survival horror game into a third-person shooter with Gears of War-style cover shooter mechanics.

When the remake was reintroduced at Gamescom last year, the re-reveal trailer was largely panned by fans, who felt that the project had strayed too far from the original vision and simply looked like a cheaply produced, thrown-together cash-grab.

All the same, the trailer promised that Reinvented was "coming sooner than you think," yet this past September, staff from publisher Forever Entertainment confirmed that the game had been cancelled.

While it's a damn shame that the remake of this much-loved PS1 classic won't be coming to fruition, given the utter lack of respect that was clearly being shown to it, dead is probably better.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.