10 Video Games You Had No Idea Were Sequels

1. Shadow Hearts Is A Sequel To Koudelka

Days Gone Syphon Filter

Much like Code Vein, RPG Shadow Hearts was marketed as the start of a brand new IP, though some players soon enough began to notice it was a sly sequel to developer Sacnoth's previous game, Koudelka, an RPG released two years prior.

While Shadow Hearts is by no means a direct sequel, it is clearly a follow-up in more than a mere spiritual sense.

For starters, several characters from Koudelka re-appear in the game, including title character Koudelka Iasant playing a major part, and her son Halley Brankett being one of the game's playable party members.

Elsewhere the Emigre Document plays a major role across both Koudelka and the Shadow Hearts games, and you even return to the Nemeton Monastery in Wales, which was previously featured in Koudelka.

And yet, it's entirely possible you've played through all three Shadow Hearts games without having a damn clue of Koudelka's existence. Go figure.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.