10 Video Games You Know Are Bad For You (But You Play Anyway)

8. Sonic The Hedgehog


Sonic the Hedgehog is quite possibly the most infamous failed video game of all time, and so often the face people think of when discussions around botched titles come around.

No one can say that Sonic 06 wasn't ambitious, with three playable characters, hub worlds, grandiose themes, and superhero-like visuals, but it was probably a case of over-ambition getting the better of Yuji Naka and SEGA. Sonic 06 was panned for its ridiculous loading times, confused tone, and an array of game-breaking bugs and glitches.

The game was clearly not ready for its release in November 2006, and that quickly became apparent to pretty much anyone who touched the game. Nevertheless, there's still an underbelly in Sonic 06 that remains a reminder of the potential the game might have had.

But, with all the infamy, Sonic 06 is now one of the most in-demand and played titles in the SEGA library. The price of the game is still around £20 (around $26USD), far more than a game this old and this low quality should ever warrant, and Sonic 06 continues to be immortalised with countless references, playthroughs, and retrospective look-backs.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.