10 Video Games You Won't Believe Got REJECTED

8. The Flash

Silent Hills PT
Brash Entertainment

Back in 2008, just before Batman: Arkham Asylum released, Bottlerocket Entertainment, under Brash Entertainment, were extremely close to releasing a similar styled video game focusing on The Flash. It was said to be an origin story, set in both Keystone and Central City. Even the gameplay sounded great, with combos, various speed-based moves and the obvious health bar to account for Flash’s vulnerabilities.

Other rumours were alleged about the type of bosses you would face. This would include villains such as Mirror Master, Captain Cold and Weather Wizard. Some of these villains were said to be simple fights but others would require a more creative approach, using Flash's superpowers to a more creative end.

As well as a line-up of villains, the developers were hoping to get Ryan Reynolds’ voice talent on board. It sounds like an all-round fun, unique title that could have stood side-by-side with that of Arkham Asylum.

In the end, though, it all came down to money. The company backing the developers, Brash Entertainment, went bankrupt and with that, all projects were cancelled.

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Silent Hills
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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.