10 Videogame Characters Who Inexplicably Survived A Sh*tload Of Punishment

9. Human Enemies €“ The Fallout Series

Fallout Fallout 3€™s stock-in-trade was showing you just how awful life would be if we nuked each other in an alternative 20th century, and I can get on board with that. If nuclear bombs had landed in America, I€™m willing to believe the environment wouldn€™t be full of candy, flowers and magical singing bears. Man can do terrible things when the rules are off, and nowhere is that more apparent than within the Fallout's desolate landscapes, which can at times represent the spectrum of human awfulness. While the scenario being played out is undoubtedly far-fetched, it€™s grounded in a sense of human realism. Then you have the shooting, which yanks you straight out of the illusion by virtue of being so goddamned weird early on. When you€™re first booted into the real world, you€™re probably carrying the puniest pistol anyone€™s ever likely to see. But puny or not, even the smallest gun is capable of doing damage with the correct aim €“ Old West ladies didn€™t keep Derringers in their purses for show, you know. So when you first come across opponents in Fallout €“ usually the rejected extras from Mad Max €“ you cock your trusty pistol and get in close, confident that a head shot equals instant death. Your bullet connects, but joy turns to confusion as you realise the bullet hasn't bothered him €“ it takes eight more to drop him and all realism is lost. I mean, what the hell was in that radiation, that makes a man shrug off a slug to the temple like a particularly annoying fly? You can empty clip after clip into these suckers and the worst they€™ll ever get is €˜head crippled.€™ That€™s effectively shorthand for a hangover, and if it takes headshots to do such a thing to a person, I€™m wondering why you don€™t just give up and surrender to the invincible bandits immediately. At least until you get the shotgun and the bloody mess perk, then all bets are off.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.