10 Wars We Want To See In Future Call Of Duty Games

7. Israel - Palestine Saga

IsealPALESTINEDate: Early 20th century €“ present Location: Israel/Palestine Belligerents: Israel Vs Palestine Alright, the Israel/Palestine conflict is not really known for its epic battles, but just imagine the amount of interesting missions and scenarios that can be taken from it. For an easy game pick Israel (American back-up) but for a more challenging one choose Palestine (where you essentially have the world against you). Yes, I'm indulging in a little satirical tongue and cheek, but the idea of choosing separate story-lines from contrasting political perspectives could add something to both the narrative and game play. The conflict has gone on from the 1940s to present, for this alone makes it worthy of its own spin off series.
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Filmmaker, cinephile, gamer, boxing lover (spectator) and all around contrarian. Currently researching for the Game and Technology company Hitari and Film Collective Black Country Cinema.