10 Wars We Want To See In Future Call Of Duty Games

6. The American Civil War

Date: April 12, 1861 €“ May 9, 1865 Location: USA Belligerents: United States (North) Vs Confederate States (South) It could be interesting just to see how the "Call Of Duty propaganda" would work with this one. I'm sure if it was to be made the protagonists would be the North, but this nevertheless is another great candidate for a duel perspective narrative. Like the American Revolution war, there are of course weapon limitations and it could risk playing more like an old Medal of Honour game than Call Of Duty. However, the complicated social and political background of this war means the narrative could be incredible.
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Filmmaker, cinephile, gamer, boxing lover (spectator) and all around contrarian. Currently researching for the Game and Technology company Hitari and Film Collective Black Country Cinema.