10 Ways Activision Should Make Call Of Duty 2018

7. Return To An International Viewpoint

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Prequel
Infinity Ward

Although the franchise's distinct selling point used to be that it, unlike other games, actually offered a wide, multinational perspective of iconic conflicts, the recent Call of Duty games have been extremely American-centric.

That's not inherently a bad thing, as the title is targeted towards US players, but after multiple releases all centred around fist-pumping USA heroism, adding in the perspectives of different nationalities could keep the series feeling fresh.

This doesn't mean dropping the American protagonists for good, but rather adding in other voices that could go a long way in making the next COD more diverse. Not only that, but WW2's scale always felt strangely restricted because of its almost-exclusive focus on US forces, and a game which takes into account the experiences of different sides could allow the campaign to feel grander in scope.

Treyarch have tackled American protagonists so many times now, and unless they've got an entirely new spin on these muscle-bound, gun-ho action heroes, they could instantly freshen up their approach by casting a wider, multi-perspective net.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3