10 Ways Activision Should Make Call Of Duty 2018

3. Expand On Headquarters

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Prequel

Although there was a worry that the Headquarters social hub in Call of Duty: WW2 was going to make the sequel seem like a Destiny rip-off, it has actually given players a vibrant space to express themselves in between multiplayer matches.

While you can accomplish almost everything that Headquarters has to offer in the menus - from opening loot boxes to changing your emblem - the hub continues to make the game world feel alive during downtime.

Although players used to want to continue playing in the hopes of reaching a higher rank, the new social area acts as another major incentive to keep on jumping into new matches, as cashing in challenges and taking on new assignments can change the way you approach future rounds of multiplayer.

It's a great new feature (when it works), and Treyarch needs to expand on this while maintaining its engagingly simplistic essence in their upcoming sequel.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3