10 Ways Destiny 2 Is Already Better Than The Original

2. Bringing The Party To PC

Destiny 2

PC fans rejoice, the Destiny party is finally coming to you.

Well, eventually.

The only down to this is that everyone is not exactly sure when it is actually going to come to PC. At first, it was believed to be launching alongside the console versions, but recent Bungie comments have made that seem as though it isn't the case, but will be happening shortly after.

Either way, when it does happen, and when it does launch on PC, it's going to open up the gates for a whole new group of gamers. All those PC fans who always clamored for the game to be brought to them are finally getting it.

Everyone is aware of the PC and console debate, and everyone knows that those who play on PC love playing there. The expansion into PC gaming for Destiny 2 is nothing but a positive, and the partnership with Blizzard to distribute the game on PC as well is a huge plus. This is going to expand the userbase for Destiny 2, which in turn could bring in more money for Bungie. More money for Bungie would hopefully mean better and more extensive content coming to players down the line. Looking forward, the jump to PC is nothing but good news for the Destiny community.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.