10 Ways Destiny 2 Is Already Better Than The Original

3. Classes Have Personality

Destiny 2

Whether it be a Hunter, Warlock or Titan, everyone has a preference. Back in Destiny, there was really no difference in the way classes were set up other than the differences in supers and a select few abilities. It all boiled down to one question really: What super would you prefer to use?

Now with the addition of a third ability to each class, classes bring a little bit more something unique to the table other than their supers. These abilities are not dependent on subclass and will be available no matter which you choose. Hunters now have an evade roll, exactly like shadestep, that can now either reload your gun automatically or recharge your melee. Titans now throw down a barrier to protect players and Warlocks can throw down an aura that will boost shields or damage.

This third ability, even as small of an addition as it may be, is going to give each class a purpose. Hunters will now feel like they are the lone wolves out there, as they have always been described. They're out there to stay moving, take down enemies and maintain fire. Titans are the brute, there to protect everyone around them and Warlocks are the ones infused with magic, "casting spells" to protect and aid those around them.

Yes, it's a small addition, but the reworking of classes and simplification of the perk loadouts is going to force players to play the classes as intended and work to their strengths. No longer will it be a choice of would you rather use a super with hammers, a bow or by shooting lightning out of your fingertips. It will be a question of what class has the abilities that best suits the way you play the game.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.