10 Ways Destiny 2 Is Already Better Than The Original

7. New Planets That Actually Have Things To Do

Destiny 2

Anyone who played Destiny knows the majority of the time while you're out exploring a planet, you're spending that time traveling on your Sparrow. This is because, in Destiny, each planet was nothing more than empty space with little to do outside of missions. This is all set to change come Destiny 2, and frankly, it's about time.

Patrols are no longer going to seem like filler that simply tells you to kill X amount of enemies or go to a certain spot on the map and stand there for 10 seconds. The most exploring anyone ever did in Destiny was to find dead ghosts to boost their Grimoire score, which as of Destiny 2 will be gone. It was either that or farming upgrade materials and loot caves back in vanilla Destiny. All in all, planet activities used to either be filler, grinding or just going from A to B.

Destiny 2 is going to have the addition of treasure maps that will lead you to loot, and actually give you an in-game reason to explore planets.

On top of this will be Lost Sectors; essentially tech-styled dungeons to any of those familiar with Horizon Zero Dawn. Lost Sectors will be a reason to actually hop into a patrol to explore a planet. You'll finally be given the opportunity to snag some awesome loot without having to sit and shoot into a cave for hours and hours.

Simply put, Destiny's planets were nothing more than boring, empty areas that housed nothing more than the occasional collectible with little to do outside of missions. Destiny 2 is finally changing that.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.