10 Ways Destiny 2 Is Already Better Than The Original

6. Planet To Planet Travel

destiny 2

Everyone loves their spaceships in Destiny, but it felt like we spent half our time playing the game sitting in orbit, staring at the damn things.

Literally, you used to have to return to orbit to launch into everything.

If you wanted to go from Earth to the social hub at the Tower to decrypt that exotic engram you just picked up, well, you'd have to make an annoying trip back to orbit first. If you wanted to launch a mission on the Dreadnaught while you were on the Dreadnaught, it's back to orbit.

Thankfully, your Destiny 2 experience isn't going to rely on going to orbit to do literally everything. Planet to planet travel will now be available, and it's going to be a life and time-saver. Being able to jump from one planet to another seamlessly or jump right into a mission while standing on a planet is going to feel like a luxury.

Planets on Destiny used to only feature one landing zone. If you wanted to go to one area on Earth, you'd have to land in the only available area and journey there. This forced travel was just another thing that made planets feel so incredibly boring and dull. The addition of multiple landing zones in Destiny 2 along with the planet to planet travel is something that is going to make Destiny 2 feel as if it operates a million times smoother than its predecessor.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.