10 Ways Destiny 2 Is Already Better Than The Original

5. 'Guided Games' Give Solo Players A Much Better Experience

Destiny 2

Destiny is a game that can be played alone, but it benefits to have others to posse up with. Some people just aren't lucky enough to have a group of friends to run through the game with, and that makes doing raids and harder activities like the Nightfall an extreme challenge. Especially considering things like raids can't be done alone - that is, unless you live and breathe Destiny.

This time around, there's going to be a much larger focus on clans, which were present in the first game, but were hardly anything more than the addition of a clan tag to your name.

With Guided Games, lone wolf style players will be able to match with clans to run through harder activities like the Nightfall and raid. This is finally going to give everyone an opportunity to play every aspect of Destiny without having to rely on outside LFG sites.

Some of the community has been crying for raid matchmaking since Vault of Glass first went live. Anyone who has run a raid knows there needs to be teamwork and communication, and opening such an activity up to matchmaking would be a disaster.

Guided Games is the perfect workaround because it doesn't force you into a partnership with a weaker, mute player. Those lone guardians can even specify if they are new to an activity, and let it be known they are going to need a little bit of extra help. There will certainly be those try hard clans that refuse to let any inexperienced players join, but there's also going to be those who will gladly help.

This is perfect news for anyone who plans to go into Destiny 2 alone, because the fear of exclusion from the endgame material is no longer present.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.