10 Ways Destiny 2 Is Already Better Than The Original

4. Restructure Of Gun Archetypes

Destiny 2

One of the biggest changes comes from the absolute and total restructure of how guns are classified, and ergo, how you then play the game.

In days of old, there were primaries, secondaries and heavies. Now there is going to be kinetic, energy and power.

Primary guns are, for the most part, staying the same. They will fall under the kinetic and energy categories. Kinetic will be guns with no burn on them such as arc or solar while the energy weapons will. This will allow you to hold a scout rifle for long distance combat and then switch to an auto rifle with arc burn for close range for example.

Secondaries were guns like your shotgun and sniper which are now going to fall under the power category, and in turn be in the same class as rocket launchers and grenade launchers. No longer will you be able to rock a shotgun and rocket launcher at the same time, which will drastically change how you approach a battle.

This change will be felt the most in the crucible, which was no more than a shotgun fest in Destiny. Bungie had to issue multiple patches just to try and balance secondaries for PvP as well as limit the reliance on them, which ultimately failed. Too many times you'd be shooting someone with a rifle only for someone to come from the side and one-shot you with a shotgun.

This restructure is going to hinder players, but this is not a bad thing.

Players will no longer be able to mow down every single thing in their path with ease. They will be forced to think and choose guns that make sense for the situation. There will no longer be such a heavy reliance on snipers and shotguns as well. At first, the change may seem too drastic, but as time goes on it will certainly be one of the best changes Bungie made.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.