10 Ways Diablo 4 Is Insulting Players

3. Unoptimised Performance

Diablo 4
Blizzard Entertainment

For PC gamers in particular, Diablo IV can be a glitchy nightmare more in line with a Bethesda RPG than a Blizzard Entertainment epic.

The grand-scale action RPG frequently seems to struggle with delivering a smooth, stable gameplay experience. Despite the mountain of entertainment value on offer, the game's general quality is badly hampered on this front, ultimately reducing the overall enjoyment of the game considerably.

A particularly noticeable area in this regard is the game's frame rate, which often drops and lags. Players have highlighted this issue as being especially common when engaging in intense combat sequences and/or entering crowded areas. Considering how common both activities are, the dreaded lagging issue can be immensely frustrating.

In addition to gameplay quality drops, some players have reported painfully long loading times and frequent crashes, both of which can completely disrupt the flow of gameplay. Considering the immense, dark fantasy world on offer, it's hard for players to get completely immersed as intended when there's so many recurring technical issues to worry about.

While Blizzard have acknowledged the problems and are working on fixes, a specific timeline for a completely tidied up Diablo IV remains unclear.

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