5. Let Female NPC's Have Diverse Motivations
When playing a particularly good video game that happens to have a number of female non-playable characters running around, it's easy to catch on to an almost-subtle phenomenon: they're all pretty much the same. Yes, you can point to this being a problem with some male NPC's, but more often than not, the motivations of female characters in games tend to revolve completely around the protagonist. They're either for him or against him, and it's not very interesting to watch, whether you're a guy or a girl. Focus on making women believable human beings. Gamers want characters that are well-written with personality traits that don't remind them of every other interaction they've had with a female villain or hero. Rather than having a female villain hate you for being "evil," it would be far more interesting to have a female villain against you because you unintentionally wronged them in the past. Additionally, it's far more unique for a female NPC with plenty of dialogue to not be a love interest. In fact, it's pretty welcome at this point of gaming culture.