4. Realize That Gender Customization Doesn't Cut It
There's a persistent belief out there that suggests the female demographic shouldn't complain about not being included because you can customize your gender for most role-playing games. While this is indeed true, it's not enough to make a female gamer feel like a particular game world was made with them in mind. Naturally, many women love a good RPG just as much as any guy. The power of choice lends to the game's quality and immersion, but it doesn't usually lend that much to the power of an evolving world based on your choices. For example: Skyrim is a great game filled to the brim with many unique characters of different types and genders, but that doesn't undercut the impact of Mass Effect, a game that realistically provides a parallel adventure based on decisions like gender and class. Ultimately, a game like Mass Effect is more likely to make female gamers feel included and a part of something they're creating, regardless of how fun Skyrim and other massive world games are.