10 Ways The Gaming Industry Can Further Engage The Female Audience

3. Make A Game That Is About More Than A Love Interest

Bioshock Infinite Wallpaper Many great games rely on love and relationships to tell a good, compelling story. There is nothing wrong with that, but it shouldn't be the end-all for every game that is trying to provide a fun story for both men and women. Put simply, there aren't enough games out there that ditch the "true love" trope altogether. (WARNING: Spoilers for Bioshock Infinite ahead). The best example of this is probably Bioshock Infinite. Here, you have two characters that spend the majority of the game growing closer as their adventure unfolds. They have an interesting chemistry that is shaped and altered by their diverse motivations, but there is no love story here, at least not in the classical sense. It's not about whether or not they'll "end up together." It's about something far more compelling. Of course, this is all for a good reason that you're aware of if you've played the game, but honestly, it's better for it. The game was never meant to be about two people having a romantic connection. It was about something more original, and ultimately more satisfying.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com