10 Ways Nintendo Switch Can Absolutely Dominate In 2018

6. Selected Wii & Wii U Ports

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Do you know how many copies of Super Mario All-Stars Nintendo sold for the Super NES?

Me neither. But the point is: Nintendo has always been aware of the benefits of re-mastering and revamping games for new machines, new audiences. We've already seen that Hyrule Warriors is to get a definitive edition on Switch, adding DLC and content from both the 3DS and Wii U editions. Then there's Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze: a criminally underrated game that's facing the same fate as the original DKC trilogy back in the day - games as worthy as Mario, but somehow never looked upon so fondly as the Italian plumber is.

What else is worth porting, then? Plenty! A Zelda HD double pack, a 3D Mario anthology featuring 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, Galaxy 2 and 3D World. What about a Smash Bros. compilation?

Just look at all the positive press surrounding Super Mario Odyssey. "Hooray!" said everyone. "Finally we're getting back to open-world Mario!" Collectively, everyone seemed to have forgotten that time Mario Sunshine was the least-liked Mario title because of its watery backpack...


Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.