10 Ways Rockstar Should Make Red Dead Redemption 2

4. Let Us Get Into The Oil Business

there will be blood daniel day lewis

Easily one of the most influential, iconic and innovative times in American history, the discovery of oil catapulted industrialisation into an entirely different realms of power. Seen in the trailer as what looks like a particularly intense oil field burns to the ground, it recalls imagery present in something like Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood - a really harsh portrayal of entrepreneurial life circa-the late 1800s.

Now, if the leaked info is correct we'll be on the run darting from encampment to encampment, but there's no reason why Morgan can't essentially be the game's version of Daniel Plainview - a hirer of groups assigned to various drilling stations, perhaps set up once you've cleared appropriate spots on the map.

Some of the most enjoyable parts of RDR were clearing out the various gang outposts, and though Far Cry or Ubisoft in general seem to have the monopoly on that feature being played out, if combat was solid enough, they'd more than hold up.

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