10 Ways Rockstar Should Make Red Dead Redemption 2

3. The Warriors-Influenced Controls For Bar Brawls

the warriors

Name the basic staples of any western setting, and before long you'll happen upon bar brawls.

Ultimately omitted from the first Red Dead unless you wanted to indulge in some very basic haymaker-throwing "melee combat", Rockstar need only look back to their 2005 masterwork, The Warriors, as how to do it perfectly.

Weapons could be picked up, random bodies flung in all directions - a full physics model governs everything from crushing slams to thrown projectiles; basically, it's the best balance of comedic slapstick violence and wince-inducing head-stomps.

Anyone who's played The Warriors remembers just how stellar this part of gameplay was, and marrying it to a western setting with pianos to be broken and whiskey bottles to be smashed is just about the most perfect thing I can think of.

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