10 Ways The Gaming Industry Can Improve

7. Have Confidence In Multi-Game Narratives

Mass Effect 2

Some stories can't be contained to just one disc.

Being a platform for a number of great storytellers, the potential for games to deliver an epic quest often far eclipses other mediums of entertainment, but with every instalment of a franchise the question of 'is this game friendly to newcomers of the series?' is constantly thrown around.

Attracting new fans is never a bad thing, but the somewhat contemporary belief that every game must be accessible to everyone stifles the potential for multi-game narratives to be told.

Games like Yakuza and Mass Effect 2 work only on the basis that you've played every game in the franchise, and are sadly becoming fewer in number over time. It's great for newcomers, but hardcore fans of the series are left wondering why useless tutorials and unnecessary character development that we've seen before litter the fourth game in a longstanding series.

It's okay to assume that people have played the previous games in your beloved series, and knowing that creating a truly epic experience may very well depend on your willingness to exclude new players from the franchise's newest entry is not only preferable sometimes, but essential.


Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.