10 Ways To Make A Superman Video Game That Won't Suck

8. Mr. Mxyzptlk Side Missions

Superman Video Game
DC Comics

Different versions of Mr Mxyzptlk have conditions attached to his appearances in Superman’s dimension and it would be good for a game to use the early post-Crisis version where Mxyzptlk would return home after a condition he states is met.

In this way, Mxyzptlk missions could be the Superman equivalent of the Arkham series’ Riddler challenges. It could be trophies that have to be obtained through puzzles, using a combination of Superman’s powers much like Batman’s gadgets.

Or it could be in the form of races across the city or obstacles. Flying challenges were mentioned as a great use of that power, and Mxyzptlk could be one venue for these types of challenges. Having to race Mxyzptlk through the city of Metropolis, meeting certain conditions in order to win the race.

Another option is dealing with whatever horrors Mxyzptlk might unleash upon the city. As his powers are nearly unlimited and allow him to mess with reality, that allows for a lot of variety in crazy level design.

More modern interpretations of Mxyzptlk have him breaking the fourth wall. This could allow for a lot of fun commentary on the game itself. If you fail a mission, Mxyzptlk could appear on the game over screen making a crack about the player's ability.

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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com