10 Ways To Make A Superman Video Game That Won't Suck

7. Defender Of Metropolis

Superman Video Game
Warner Bros.

Superman’s invulnerability has been cited as an obstacle in creating a truly accurate Superman game. It is a legitimate complaint and Superman Returns attempted to get around this by actually making a game where Superman was invulnerable. To challenge the player, Superman didn't have a life bar, but instead the entire city of Metropolis did.

This meant that the player not only had to fight villains, but also couldn't cause too much collateral damage and try to repair any damage caused in the battle. So if an enemy set a building on fire, Superman had to use his freeze breath to put out the fire and contain the damage or risk lowering the city’s life bar.

It was an interesting idea, but like many things in Superman Returns, the execution was flawed. This basically meant that the city’s life bar was Superman’s life bar. But making defending the city a priority for the player is still a worthwhile idea. It just has to be better implemented.

Instead of a standard life bar, the city’s life should depend on the mission. Collateral damage is bound to occur in any superhuman battle, but the extent of the damage is what should matter. Rather than any collateral damage lowering the life bar, there should be situations where Superman has to act fast to save lives or contain destruction.

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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com