10 Ways To Make A Superman Video Game That Won't Suck

6. The Fortress Of Solitude

Superman Video Game
Midway Games/Warner Bros Games

Superman needs a place where he can get away from it all. One of the best things of the much-maligned Arkham Origins was that players could actually travel to the Batcave. Here they could view other Batsuits, engage in training simulations, or talk to Alfred.

Something similar could be done with the Fortress of Solitude. On the map, there should be a fast-travel option where Superman can zip to different sections of the city, or selecting the Fortress of Solitude and zipping there.

The Fortress of Solitude is where all the trophies will be, and where challenge maps could be accessed from. There should also be an area where Superman can access different costumes, like Kingdom Come, the classic suit, the New 52 suit, Injustice, the black costume he wore after coming back from the dead, the energy costume, the t-shirt and jeans look in the current comics, etc.

And also, there should be a place where Superman can get some guidance. This could be in the form of Jor-El, much like in the Richard Donner films, Smallville, and Man Of Steel. Or Kelex, Superman’s robotic aide. Maybe even have Krypto and possibly mini-games you can play with him.

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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com