10 Ways To Make A Superman Video Game That Won't Suck

3. Superman's Powers

Superman Video Game
DC Comics

Much like Batman’s gadget wheel in the Arkham games, the same could be done with Superman’s powers. Press a button to bring up the power list and select which one you want to use. Just like the Arkham games, these powers can be upgraded with skill points throughout the game. 

Imagine a tidal wave heading towards Metropolis: Superman has to freeze it with his breath. If there’s a tornado that hits Metropolis, Superman has to fly around it in reverse to get it to dissipate. If a bridge collapses, he has to use his heat vision to weld the metal back together. If Superman comes across someone who is bleeding out, he can use his heat vision to cauterize the wound.

Superman’s senses can also be used, and his powers give him a built-in detective mode. With the push of a button, Superman can activate his superhuman senses. He can use his x-ray vision to see enemies or civilians, locate environmental things that can be triggered with his powers, and also use increased hearing.

The super hearing and telescopic vision can also be used while flying around the city. Hover above Metropolis, activate your senses, and you can trigger side missions to engage in. Hear something intriguing and with the push of a button, activate your telescopic vision to get a better look at things.

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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com