10 Ways To Make A Superman Video Game That Won't Suck

2. Making Hard Choices

Superman Video Game
DC Comics

One of the hardest things it is for Superman is having to make choices. Even with superhuman speed, he can only move so fast and sometimes has to prioritize. Do you save the bus of schoolchildren or do you put out the fire at the Daily Planet? Can you try and do both? And how do those choices affect the rest of the game?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had a “hero or menace” system where if you didn’t continuously perform heroic acts, or would fail at side missions, J. Jonah Jameson would succeed in convincing the city that you were a menace and Fisk and Osborn’s security force would come after you.

If you can’t keep the city defended, then Lex Luther can become more prominent and crimes could increase or you could have anti-Superman robots sent after you built by LexCorp.

Also choices can come into play in other aspects, like if Superman comes across someone trying to commit suicide. This would be implemented like in the Telltale Games like The Walking Dead, where you are given a series of dialogue prompts. You have to figure out the right thing to say to prevent the jumper from just going off the edge. And you still have the option of rescuing them even if they do jump, but your credibility takes a hit as a result.

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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com