10 Ways To Make The Perfect Star Wars Video Game

7. Ignore The Marketing Urge

Star Wars Battlefront Death Star DLC

"Ah, consumer, we can see that you're enjoying the game, but you'd enjoy it much more with this add-on, DLC, exclusive, one time only offer (that probably should've been in the game from the start) for just £39.99".

Sound familiar?

Well, as much as Star Wars is an evolving series thanks to Disney, expensive DLC cannot be the order of the day for the ultimate game. A standalone, complete title is what we want, where the DLC expands the game, rather than adding content that should've been there all along. If you've spent the better part of £50 on a title; you want it to be the finished article, and you'll consider DLC and merchandise when you're good and ready.

Oh, and Nintendo, no one wants to go out and buy Amiibo figures, just to access in-game features that are already included in the file size. Stop it.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.