10 Ways To Save The Nintendo Switch

7. Do SOMETHING With HD Rumble & The IR Sensor

nintendo switch

Onto the actual new features the Switch has - HD Rumble gives you the ability to 'detect how many ice cubes are in a glass', based on how the controller feels and moves, whilst the IR sensor can scan about two feet of 3D space, meaning it'll recognise physical hand gestures or other things blocking its way.

Thing is, aside from some show floor demos showing that the IR sensor can track how fast you open and close your mouth - used for an admittedly hilarious eating game - Nintendo's approach feels like they're throwing their hands up and screaming, "We dunno! You figure it out!"

As such, there are no marquee titles that come with essential features or gameplay mechanics you can only experience on the Switch. Breath of the Wild will make the controller shake and vibrate depending on the tension of your bow before releasing an arrow, but... well, you can already put together how 'essential' that's going to be to overall gameplay.

Why would you play games on the Switch when you could do so on any number of cheaper systems? That's the question Nintendo need to answer, and they're running out of time.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.