10 Ways Watch Dogs 2 Is Already Better Than The Original

9. Removing Morality For Follower System

watch dogs 2 dedsec

It's unclear what the actual purpose of WD1's morality system was, but it's clear that it didn't add the depth that Ubisoft was going for and ultimately, ended up pointless.

This was made clear with no in-game response to the player's place on the moral spectrum, leading to players mostly ignoring it. At the very least, it unquestionably needed to be expanded on, and with the new Follower system in WD2, it seems they've replaced morality with something far more relevant to the plot and time period.

Since the story gears itself towards the concept of gaining supporters for DedSec's cause, it would make sense to offer up in-game situations that can help Marcus gain followers for DedSec. As you gain followers, Marcus gains access to higher-level weapons and tech that were previously unavailable. The morality system has become the social media system, where supporters of DedSec and the public's opinion regarding the group is vital to their success.

This is a smart decision on Ubisoft's part, as it adopts a fitting system for the hacktivism focus and allows players to see their actions earning consequential rewards.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.