10 Ways Watch Dogs 2 Is Already Better Than The Original

7. Main Protagonist Marcus Actually Has A Personality

Watch Dogs 2

Sorry Aiden Pearce, but it's time for players to move on to someone who is a little less morose about having crazy hacking skills. Aiden's character arc was interesting enough - at least, enough that I wanted to see where he'd end up at the story's conclusion. However, his lack of emotion and Dark Knight-like line delivery made him all too uninteresting. This is where the new protagonist Marcus Holloway comes in, and his ability to show emotion is much appreciated.

This new protagonist also comes from a troubled background, as his character was framed for a crime he didn't commit. Ever since then, he has resented law enforcement and joins DedSec to expose the inner corruption and help make the world a better place. Both protagonists have a sense of needing retribution and fighting corruption, but Aiden's motivations were mainly selfish, whereas Marcus's fight for justice is both for himself and the people.

He also actually ENJOYS going on all the crazy missions, the company of his companions, and he's not afraid to have fun with what he's doing. The only time Aiden had fun was when he was "digitally tripping". The story and experience that Watch Dogs 2 offers will be heightened with a protagonist who views the concept of crime-fighting and righting wrongs as an exciting prospect, rather than a melancholy perspective of someone who sees taking on corrupt figures as a chore.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.