10 Weird Video Game Concepts That Totally Should've Sucked

7. Viscera Cleanup Detail

There are plenty of games set aboard space-stations that cast you as the hero, bravely battling the evil alien hordes that are invading. But did you ever stop and think €œLook at all the mess this blood and gore is causing, I wish there was some way I could take on the role of a janitor and clean it all up."? Probably not, but someone thought that concept would make a really good game - turns out they were right.

The fun that comes from sandbox games is the freedom that they give you: you don't have to spend all your time cleaning up body parts, you can make more mess and play with the excellent physics engine instead, if you want to. But the main reason so many people love viscera cleanup detail is the serenity it can bring. Who would of thought cleaning up bits of human and alien remains could be so cathartic?

The ability to play it with friends adds a whole new dimension to Viscera Cleanup Detail; a team of janitors working with, or against, each other is better than going it alone. With spin off titles Santa's Rampage and VCD: Shadow Warrior also available when you buy the game, this one of the most recommended 'chill-out' titles around.

A great way to waste time, and highly recommended for OCD sufferers.

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Lover of all things PC. A fan of inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin. Remembers when 'geek' was an insult. Still passionately believes Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines was the greatest game ever made.