10 Weird Video Game Concepts That Totally Should've Sucked

6. Crypt Of The Necrodancer

There have been a quite a few games that successfully mixed two unlikely genres together over the years, but never have two types of game been so different from each other, yet somehow manage to mix so well, as the Roguelike and Rhythm elements of Crypt Of The Necrodancer. The rhythm mechanics here feel like an integral part of the game, rather than coming across as something that has been tacked onto a standard roguelike as an afterthought. You can use a keyboard, controller or even a USB dance pad as your rhythmic instrument of control. With a learning curve similar to the ones seen in other roguelikes (i.e. very hard), an amazing soundtrack from Danny Baranowsky - the man behind the music of Super Meat Boy and the Binding Of Isaac - and even the ability to select songs from your own USB collection, Crypt Of The Necrodancer is an amazing game.
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Lover of all things PC. A fan of inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin. Remembers when 'geek' was an insult. Still passionately believes Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines was the greatest game ever made.