10 Weird Video Game Facts That Became Canon

6. King Is Catholic (And An Alcoholic) - Tekken

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Tekken’s world of fighting bears, kangaroos, and demons clearly doesn’t shy away from strangeness, but you might be surprised to learn that it also doesn’t shy away from real-life things like alcoholism and religion.

One of the series most recognizable fighters, King, is a Mexican luchadores-inspired wrestler whose backstory is so intense and uncharacteristically real that you almost have to wonder we're still talking about a guy with a jaguar head for a face.

According to King’s official canon, King is actually a Catholic priest who converted to Christianity after he was saved from the streets by monks. The reason he became a pro-wrestler is actually because he wanted to support the orphanage operated by his church.

This bit of lore is a clear homage to the classic trope of Mexican luchadores, but it’s still somewhat bizarre to know King is a devout Catholic.

It gets even weirder once you get into the lore of the second game, where the death of one of his orphans spirals King into a crisis of faith and then later, alcoholism.

But if you think this is all getting too heavy and real, don't worry, as shortly after, things get silly-weird again when King is killed by an ogre god!

Only in fighting games!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.