10 Weirdest PS1 & PS2 Games That Wouldn't Get Made Today

8. Bust-A-Groove

Lsd Simulator

Rhythm games, as another example later in this list also elaborates on, are a dying breed.

Back in peak the PlayStation era though, they were finding their feet.

One of these experiments, off the back of a successful rapping canine, was Bust a Groove. Coming a year after PaRappa's major label signing, Bust a Groove offered a weird hybrid of a game.

The hybrid in this instance: a combination of Dance Dance Revolution and... Puzzle Fighter?

Dance-offs compromised of hitting your markers to bust some fly moves before unleashing your Jammer. That's not a euphemism, but rather a special move that puts your opponent off and interrupting their mad skills, or something.

But what was once wacky and innovative would be way too shallow for the current market. Games like this are something that'd feature in a Mario Party, or a similar party piece for other consoles.

It's a shame as Bust a Groove was as far an "out there" concept as you could imagine at the time. But now, outside of an arcade, it wouldn't hit those same funky beats as a standalone game.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.