10 Weirdest Video Game Boss Battles

4. Negative Man - Mother 3

Conker's Bad Fur Day great mighty poo
Brownie Brown

In Mother 3 there is a cave. Inside the cave is a yellow man, hunched over, an expression of deepest pain etched upon his visage. He is the Negative Man.

Attacking Negative Man does nothing to stir him from his depression. Indeed, on the rare occasion that he decides to "attack" he will simply make a nihilistic statement along the lines of "Life is but a moment, a meaningless grain of sand", or perhaps he will remark on how worthless he is. 

He offers nothing, and expects nothing. Presumably all he wanted was to be left alone in his cave to wallow in misery. Let it forever be known that Mother 3 encouraged a generation to embark on unprovoked attacks against men with depression. Not cool, guys. 


Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.