10 Worst Modern Video Game Universes To Live In

6. Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto IV It had to be on the list somewhere. As the series that helped give birth to the notion of randomly killing civilians for no particular reason, Grand Theft Auto has never really valued the life of the normal guy. Whilst the game doesn€™t encourage the protagonists to kill civilians to the extent the Saints Row games do, it doesn't exactly discourage negative treatment of them either. By the time GTA IV came around, the police force had gotten their act together a bit more (it was harder for Niko to escape from law enforcement than it was for CJ in San Andreas), but it still wasn€™t a massive improvement in terms of protecting the city€™s residents. Blow up several helicopters and kill a few cops and Niko would struggle to get away alive, but shoot several civilians in what most people would describe as a €˜spree€™ and the most Niko would get was a one-star wanted level, something he could get away from by simply driving to the end of the street. Not exactly protecting the innocent there are you, LCPD? And even worse, in earlier games anyway, the protagonist can escape from the police, FBI and Army by simply driving into a Pay N Spray and getting a new paint job for his car€in full view of the people who have been chasing him in tanks and helicopters for the last few miles of explosions and drive-bys. How could a normal person live in a world where mad men can tear up an entire city in a jet-pack with a rocket launcher and get away with it by hiding in a corner for ten minutes?
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Been gaming since the Megadrive. Loves Batman, Futurama and Blackburn Rovers. Mild obsession with collecting steelbooks.