10 Worst Modern Video Game Universes To Live In

5. Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead Just from the title of this game, you can tell it€™s not going to be a world filled with sunshine and lollipops. The Left 4 Dead universe is in the midst of a zombie uprising. Most people have been turned into blood-thirsty zombies (and the fast kind, too), mindlessly chasing after flesh to feast on. But a select few have been turned into something far more terrifying; mutated zombies. If you thought being a zombie as bad, what if you became a Boomer; an obese zombie that endlessly vomits over everything and can be exploded by a single heavy impact? Even worse, what if you were eaten by one of them? Imagine the horror of being a normal guy, without the handguns with infinite ammunition, being caught by the tongue of a Smoker, then strung up and torn apart by the claws of a Witch. But if you€™re one of the "lucky" few who, like the four protagonists, haven€™t been infected, chances are you are immune to the virus, or in other words; a carrier. Being a carrier is just as bad, as you will either have to endure being tested and experimented on by scientists desperate to find a cure for the virus, or you will be killed by other survivors who aren€™t immune because there€™s a strong possibility you will infect them with it.
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Been gaming since the Megadrive. Loves Batman, Futurama and Blackburn Rovers. Mild obsession with collecting steelbooks.