10 Worst Overwatch Characters - Ranked

7. Pharah

Overwatch Winston Widowmaker

Backstory: Pharah has a really cool concept, and she certainly has a place in Overwatch, but overly fiddly controls and attacks that just don’t feel that powerful really work against the sort of character she’s meant to be. 5/10

Abilities: She can fly, and whilst it’s certainly a great idea, you’d imagine she’s be quick and nimble, but she’s slow and difficult to control, often descending a moment too soon as you run out of fuel.

Her rockets are another major issue, as you’d think they’d do huge damage and kill opponents in a single shot, but I’ve often found that even as one of the weaker characters, I can still take a few shots from an enemy Pharah before going down, at which point I’ve had more than enough time to escape or shoot back. Her concussive blast and ult certainly have their uses, but they far from save her overall skill set. 6/10

Design: Her design is inoffensive at best. She has a real lack of quality skins though. Some of her standard re-colours, especially the green, just aren't very nice to look at. 4/10

Score: 5/10

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Big fan of gaming, reading, pro wrestling and complaining. Avid toy collector.