10 Worst PS4 Games So Far

2. Tetris Ultimate

tetris ultimate

It really does come to something when a came from almost three decades ago plays better than it does on newer hardware.

Come on, it's TETRIS - you could pick up a few pieces of random cardboard right now, start slotting and mashing them together and you'd have a smoother and better-realised experience of Tetris than this new version.

You need only take a look at something as mechanically ambitious as Hello Games' No Man's Sky to see what people with the right marriage of technical ability and artistic vision can do with an idea (regardless of how it turns out), the flip-side being this terribly reimagined code-fart of one of gaming's most beloved titles.

It really does make you wonder what sort of out-the-door policies are in place where something like a broken Tetris title can get through, as if there's one game that shows how wide the total lack of quality control has become, it's this.

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